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using the translation of István Örkény, the adaptation for Vígszínház was made by Krisztina Kovács and Péter Valló.

The title hero of the grotesque comedy by Mary Chase is a gigantic white rabbit called Harvey. Although Harvey, the best friend of Uncle Elwood, is claimed only to exist in Elwoods head, he still causes a lot of issues and misunderstandings in real life.

Still, sometimes all of us would need a friend like Harvey, who helps us through solitude, helps dealing with disappointments and bearing other people, shortly said, bearing life. Because Harvey is so polite, understanding, very funny and is a great entertainer.

The play in Hungary happened with the mediation of Theatre Mundi Theatre and Literature Agency. (

The performance is suggested for an audience over 12 years!

Reading rehearsal: 22. February 2022
Premiere: 9. April 2022, Vígszínház

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Egy életem: Mucsi Zoltán Szép

Városmajori Szabadtéri Színpad

Ezen az estén Mucsi Zoltán kiáll a nézők elé és elmeséli élete legfontosabb történeteit. Persze nem véresen komolyan, hanem olyan…

Vannak témáink, amelyeket egyfajta álszent hallgatás övez. A családon belüli erőszak is ilyen. Nincs felfoghatatlanabb egy szülő számára, mint amikor…


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